Thursday, 15 July 2010

Duchess Way

The figure of 65 houses is quoted in the site allocations document is if the whole of the area some 1.3ha is developed at 50 homes per ha.
The area outline in the green spaces plans for disposal is approximately ¼ of this which would equate to about 16 houses at a density of 50 homes per ha.
However this number is only arbitrary as the housing density may have to be reduced to reflect the local area and planning constraints.
These issues/discrepancies need to be highlighted in responses to the proposals.
The question has to be do we want this land to be developed and will it set a precedent for further development?
Should we give up green space to pay for the upkeep of our parks?
Do we want more play areas etc etc.

Below is the plan presented in the Area Green Spaces Plan for consultation
The yellow outline being area earmarked for disposal for housing