Thought all would like to see the councils response to the recent damage on park road!!

Thank you for your email regarding the above matter. To provide you with an update regarding this matter, I visited site on Monday and Tuesday to assess the extents of the damage to the traffic island and to ensure all signs and road markings warning drivers of the new road layout ahead were still in place. A site visit was also carried out on Monday night to ensure all the illuminated bollards were still operational during the hours of darkness. I will now be seeking further information form the Police relating to the incident.
The works associated with repairing the damaged island will now be issued to a contractor and we will inform local residents of when the works will commence.
For information, the double yellow lines are due to be painted on the ground in the vicinity of the islands and elsewhere as advertised on Wednesday and Thursday (subject to contractor availability and favourable weather conditions). Once these road markings are in place, the temporary bollards will be removed so that residents and visitors can park in the unrestricted areas.
In response to your suggestion to temporarily close the pedestrian island, our site inspection deemed the facility to be robust enough for continued use. It is felt that by closing the island pedestrians may chose to cross in front of the island which would be deemed to be less safe than using the recently installed facility. Furthermore, I stood on the island for some time during my site visit and could not feel the rocking you described, even when Heavy Goods Vehicles drove by either side.
Finally, as with all Scheme work a full audit trail of financial information and officer time will be recorded should an insurance claim be pursued.
I trust this provides you with an update regarding this matter and may I take this opportunity to thank you for your comments. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Spicer
East Area Senior Engineer
Traffic Management
Transport Service
Bristol City Council
Wilder House
Wilder Street
Tel: 0117 903 6819
>>> marktlogan <stapletonconservation@
Dear Mr Spicer,
Further to your correspondance from Miss Millington regarding the damage to
the newy installed island on park road could you ensure the following:
1. Cordon off the island to pedestrains as the island is reported to be
rocking thus making it unsafe for pedestrains, ensuring the traffic is not
further restricted in this location.
2. Keep an account of all time and monies spent on the subsequent repair
works to enable a full claim by BCC to be lodged against the taxi firm or
driver who caused the damage.
Mark Logan
Stapleton and Frome Valley Conservation Society